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4 Oct 2020, 3PM (UK time) / 11PM (Korea time)

Venue: YouTube (@ thekccuk) [Subscribe Now]
The event can be watched through livestream on the day.

Price: Free admission

This one-day online event, which aims to celebrate and showcase Hallyu, the Korean Wave in its various forms, will be livestreamed directly from London at 3pm on Sunday 4th October 2020, through the KCCUK’s YouTube channel.

Join us, and other Korean culture enthusiasts and K-Pop fans from around the globe, to celebrate Korean pop culture.

From the comfort of your own home, you’ll be able to watch performances by various idol groups such as A.C.E and VAV, R&B and Hip Hop artists PLT or singer SONNET and many more! These performances will be complemented by unique experiences displaying other aspects of K-Culture including fashion, cinematography, dance and beauty.

And that’s not all! Hallyu Con will be presented by the famous YouTubers Kai Mastro and Lexie Marie and will include discussions, challenges and games with well-known K-influencers such as Johnny, Raffy and Margarita; K-Pop dance demonstration by worldwide famous cover groups UJJN, Risin and IlovedanceNY; Korean food exhibition and much, much more.

Finally, in light of the damage caused by COVID-19, the Hallyu Con 2020 Live in London is also joining hands with UK charity Children and Families Across Borders (CFAB) to raise money in support of those in need. As a viewer, you will also be able to donate to this important charity via links in the description.

Sounds exciting right? Check out the full programme details below.


To join the livestream, head to www.youtube.com/thekccuk on the date and time mentioned above.


  • K-Pop Performances by: A.C.E, VAV, Alexa and AlphaBAT
  • Performances by: PLT (members Moti and JUNG JIN WOO), Sonnet Son, ID:EARTH, Turning Table and Micro Universe
  • Fashion show highlighting Korean fashion, both contemporary and traditional
  • Korean Beauty demonstration and discussion with Maree Kinder, founder & CEO of UK’s leading K-Beauty products provider Beauty & Seoul
  • Hallyu discussion, challenges and games with K-Pop influencers Johnny, Raffy, Margarita, Gee Nelly and Jessica Viba
  • Talk about the globalisation of Korean movies, dramas
  • K-Pop dance demonstration with UJJN, Risin, IlovedanceNY and others
  • Korean food exhibition

Please follow the official Hallyu Con channels for updates.

KCCUK Official Instagram

Hallyu Con Official Instagram

Hallyu Con 2020:

‘Hallyu Con 2020’ is presented by:
Korean Cultural Centre UK (KCCUK) in partnership with the following community groups:
K-EventsMy Wave Collective and UK BTS ARMY.

‘Hallyu Con 2020’ is supported by KOFICE - Korean Foundation for International Cultural Exchange and the programme ‘Hallyu Com-on’

KOFICE connect Korea and the world through culture, their programme Hallyu Com-on assists Hallyu communities across the globe.

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